Oct 27


If evolution was easy, we would all make empowering decisions that served us. However, the hardest part of evolution is becoming aware of our decisions. Becoming aware of why we make the decisions we make is the biggest challenge. This poem reminds me of how we turn to things are self destructive in nature to fill a void. It can be with any outlet of food, TV or drugs. It maybe the avoidance of pain or the pursuit of pleasure. In the situation of this poem, it was both. It is about a man who is avoiding the pain of a recent break up and seeks pleasures through lust. I sometimes wonder why society has normalized the self destruction that comes with pain. Why haven’t we figured out how to normalize pain and disappointment as a part of the journey. Why we haven’t accepted that experiencing sorrow, disappointment is a part of life’s journey. Allowing those emotions to come to us and experience is healthy.